Making People & Organizations Future proof! Encouraging people and organizations to take action to work with new technology and help them manage the people of tomorrow.
In 1999 kwam de mobiele telefoon op de markt en nu ruim 20 jaar verder denken we dat het snel is gegaan met nieuwe technologie. De komende 20 jaar gaat tien keer sneller. CaptainVR biedt educatie aan zodat mensen inzicht krijgen in nieuwe technologie en deze kunnen inzetten om de snelheid van deze nieuwe wereld bij te kunnen houden.
The new normal is accompanied by a lot of working from home. This is associated with the disruption of social networks and has been shown to have a strong negative effect on mental health (Wood en Bourque, 2018). CaptainVR offers VR/Metaverse & hybrid meeting and workplaces.
Tarief €2,50
Dana-Maria Faneker will discuss the possibilities with you.
What do you want to achieve and for whom, together we make a plan of action.